Zinc: Properties and Benefits of Taking It Naturally and in Supplements

Zinc is a mineral necessary for humans. It is a trace element or essential micronutrient with various properties and benefits for the human body. Its symbol on the periodic table is Zn, and it can be found in different forms for human consumption, including sulfate, oxide, and in the form of tablets, capsules, and multivitamin supplements with minerals.

Zinc Properties

It is one of the most abundant elements on Earth. It is similar to magnesium in molecular formation and belongs to the same group as cadmium. It is white with blue reflections.

Zinc has various applications, including those relevant to human health and others for industrial use. The latter can be used in galvanizing, such as brass and other forms, but this article will focus on aspects related to human well-being, the benefits of zinc, and how it functions in metabolism.

This mineral is crucial for enzymatic function. Many enzymes in the body need a small amount of zinc to perform their functions.

The zinc dose for an adult person is 40 mg per kg of body weight. This is distributed throughout the body, with a significant portion in proteins and nucleic acids. There are approximately one hundred enzymes that use it regularly, and more may be identified as further studies on the presence of Zn in biological processes are conducted. What is known today is that zinc has properties to:

  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Speed up tissue healing.
  • Be essential for a good sense of smell.
  • Participate in taste maintenance.
  • Be necessary for proper DNA formation.

In addition to these properties and being found in cells, proteins, and enzymes, when a person produces insulin, it also incorporates small amounts of it, making it vital for proper absorption and functioning of blood sugar.

Types of Zinc

What Are the Types of Zinc and the Properties of Each?

  • Zinc sulfate.
  • Oxide
  • Nitrate
  • Sulfide
  • Gluconate
  • Carbonate
  • Picolinate
  • Acetate
  • Chelate
  • Iodide
  • Hydride
  • Chlorate
  • Lactate

Depending on the type of chemical formation, its structure and molecular weight adopt different forms that are either assimilable by the body or used to prepare different zinc supplements. Some of these can be purchased at nutrition stores or herb shops in the form of tablets or as ingredients to complement the diet along with other trace elements, as its formulation allows mixing to enhance its effects.

Differences Between Zinc Sulfate, Oxide, and Nitrate

Zinc chloride oxide differencesAs mentioned, depending on the chemical formulation, properties vary slightly. Thus, some forms are much more absorbable and effective, such as zinc picolinate, which is a chelate with picolinic amino acid. This version can be ingested just like gluconate. The difference lies in the fact that the mineral gluconate is not as effectively utilized by the body. It has a less bioavailable chemical form.

In contrast, one of the best formulations for human consumption is zinc orotate. In this form, it has high bioavailability, which means that small ingested amounts are absorbed more efficiently.

Zinc oxide is soluble in water and alcohol. It is one of the non-absorbable forms, meaning it cannot be taken, eaten, or ingested in any way as it is toxic. It is used for industrial processes and metal manufacturing, similar to sulfate.

Foods with Zinc

Foods with Zinc

The easiest and most logical way to get zinc is through food. The mineral with the symbol Zn is present in many foods, and it’s quite common to maintain acceptable levels of this mineral. The foods rich in zinc are:

  • Chocolate.
  • Watermelon.
  • Lamb.
  • Beef liver.
  • Seafood such as oysters and crabs.
  • Peanuts.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Cereals such as sesame, wheat germ.

However, sometimes it may be necessary to purchase zinc online or at a local store, so let’s look at where you can access this essential product.

Zinc Deficiency

Although zinc deficiency is not very common, it can occur in certain individuals. The symptoms are broad and can affect various parts of the body. Typically, it starts with weak and abnormal growth of tissues that should be strong. Symptoms can include:

  • Weak nails.
  • Hair loss.
  • Slower than usual wound healing.
  • Allergies caused by a weakened immune system.
  • Skin disorders.
  • Infertility.

A full symptomatic picture does not always occur; it is common to have some of the symptoms. Some people may develop only one, while others may experience several of the symptoms listed.

Zinc and Magnesium

Zinc and magenesiumThis form of presentation is intended to improve the conversion of fat into muscle. It increases testosterone levels, which in turn enhances athletic performance. It is generally accompanied by zinc and magnesium with vitamin B6 or calcium.

The trigger for it to work and have positive effects is the luteinizing hormone, the precursor to testosterone. A stimulus triggers a transformation that requires zinc. That’s why it’s important that it is available in adequate amounts in the body.

When using these minerals together, it’s best to take them at night before bed. However, you should follow the instructions of each brand.

People who should take this zinc supplement are those with a high exercise routine and who seek to gain muscle mass. The results include better muscle recovery, improved nervous system function, and enhanced physical performance. This is similar to enjoying the properties of magnesium chloride, but with the added benefit of zinc. Unlike zinc, magnesium can be taken in the form of sulfate, chloride, chelate, etc.

Where to Buy Zinc

We have covered the most important aspects. From understanding zinc properties and benefits to identifying foods that help prevent mineral deficiencies. Now, let’s explain where to buy zinc.

As an essential nutrient, it is crucial to ingest it to ensure its presence in the body. It is essential, meaning it cannot be produced by other molecules or active principles within the body. It requires inclusion in the diet or taking one or two capsules daily to meet individual needs.

The best quality can be found at specialized nutrition stores, herbal shops, and pharmacies. These establishments offer different brands, some at more affordable prices than others, so choose wisely to save some money.


Check the amount contained in each tablet or capsule. This is the basis for determining how many you need to take daily and also for calculating the total amount in the package. With this information, you can compare supplements and find economical zinc prices.

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5 Responses

  1. Ana says:

    The article is good, but are there any contraindications with Zinc? Thank you.

  2. Teresa isabel says:

    If a dietary supplement contains 3.83mg of zinc oxide, what harm could it cause?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Teresa, the question is complex because it depends on the rest of the composition of the zinc pills or the supplement itself. It also depends on why you want to take it.

  3. Resu says:

    A few months ago, I was diagnosed with dust mite allergy, I have anosmia and a lack of taste. How can I know if I have a zinc deficiency?

  4. arturo, says:

    Very interesting articles on vitamin supplements, thank you.