Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen: Properties, Benefits, and the Best Recommendations for Bones and Joints

The marine collagen is the animal-origin protein extracted from the skin and scales of fish. It is used to treat joint pain and improve the formation of cartilage along with hyaluronic acid and magnesium.

Given the identical properties of human collagen and animal collagen, it can be used as a dietary supplement by humans. The most common format is hydrolyzed and, this, can be purchased in tablets, powder or drinkable form.

In this article we are going to explain all its properties, benefits, the amount you should take (dose), as well as at the end, the best collagen brands to buy.

If you are not interested in knowing all the details because you already know its characteristics, I recommend that you go to the end to see the best prices. In case you are interested in knowing its benefits and how it acts in the body, keep reading as it is very interesting.

What is hydrolyzed marine collagen?

Thanks to hydrolysis the molecules are miniaturized to a size of 4.000 Da which allows the proteins to obtain a perfect size to be ingested and assimilated by the body. The hydrolyzed marine collagen of Type I is the one that best favors the creation of new tissues.
The so-called hydrolyzed is a much more assimilable commercial form, improving its properties and benefits compared with other forms of presentation.

Properties and benefits of marine collagen

Like human collagen, it is the protein found in greatest quantity in fish. One fourth of the proteins that exist in the skin and bones of all animals, including humans, is collagen. A fundamental part for the creation and regeneration of skin and cartilage, as well as a key ingredient in the maintenance of quality of life.
There are many properties of marine collagen but it is worth highlighting those it performs in the maintenance of skin, hair, nails and bones.

Skin: this product prolongs the elasticity of the skin giving it a youthful appearance for longer. It prevents the appearance of wrinkles increasing the consistency of tissues and creating better resistance against water evaporation. The properties of marine collagen in the skin favor the regeneration of dermis cells.

Hair: hair follicles are the base from which hair is created and born. Adding collagen as a supplement to a healthy and balanced diet helps strengthen hair from the root. It provides growth, thickness and vitality to hair.

Bones and nails: the structural base of bones, nails and cartilage is collagen. That is why it is so important to have a correct level in the body. Given that as people get older they feel their bones become weaker tending to break just as sometimes happens with nails, taking hydrolyzed marine collagen stimulates the creation of new supporting material. It affects the process of creatine release, an essential substance for muscle growth that provides stability and protection to the skeleton.

Product free of fat, carbohydrates or sugars. It does not contain gluten.

Differences between marine or animal collagen

TropocollagenThe human body naturally produces collagen however when a person turns twenty the production of this substance decreases increasing the deceleration as one gets older. It is at the age of sixty when there is a critical peak of lack of organic collagen and the result of the low amount of this substance along with environmental damages: sun exposure, toxins, poor diets, etc. end up causing premature aging. The symptoms of collagen deficiency are: sagging, wrinkled skin, weak bones and nails.
These are the reasons that indicate that it is necessary to take marine collagen to remain strong and healthy. By providing a small amount of this product, instead of feeling like we are inevitably heading towards bone breakage due to weakness, we begin to feel stronger and healthier with resilient bones.

The extraction of marine collagen from the skin and scales of fish is a wonderful gift from nature. Since the molecules of this substance are similar in all animals, the transfer and utilization by humans is carried out in an identical manner presenting the same properties.

The difference with marine or animal collagen is that the former comes from fish and small crustaceans that live in the sea. Animal collagen is generally obtained from pigs and cows, the so-called bovine.

At what age is it recommended to take it?

This is a difficult topic to pin down as it largely depends on the individual. Depending on the type of skin, innate physical structure and factors such as genetics, there are people who at 30 still have a strong and healthy appearance without signs of aging. Others, however, begin to notice their first signs of wrinkles and skin flaking at the same age. That is why it is recommended to start taking hydrolyzed collagen from the age of 25 as an antidote against aging.

However, regardless of age, people who notice that their skin texture changes or their hair becomes brittle are perfect candidates to take collagen.

A minimal daily amount of hydrolyzed marine collagen can help stop these symptoms. And its use is indicated for both men and women.

How long do the effects and results take?

In order to notice the effects of collagen, 5 – 6 weeks are needed. It is from this moment that the benefits start to become visible and as you continue taking it the effects double with better results: increased hair thickness, regeneration of internal structures of the body…

But before this time it can also be noticed. Many people feel relief in their joints from the 2nd or 3rd day, these effects are quick but in order for them to be stable you must continue taking it daily.

Does it help against skin diseases?

Structure of marine collagen
By promoting skin creation it helps against diseases such as psoriasis, rosacea and acne. Marine collagen works from within the dermis. Adding a small amount to the diet improves the symptoms of these diseases that affect skin health.

Side effects

Recognized by the US FDA, the Ministry of Health and the WHO it is considered a safe product with the highest level of reliability. However, since marine collagen is an animal protein there is the possibility of reactions in people with animal allergies.

Studies indicating side effects are unknown except for a single analysis where a patient reported mild gastrointestinal discomfort. We recommend that you read all the side effects of collagen and its contraindications.

Collagen and pregnancy

Being a 100% natural protein it is free of chemicals, contaminants and intolerance reactions. However, if you are pregnant it is advisable to avoid its use as well as other substances. Once the baby is born you can take it without breastfeeding problems.

The effects after pregnancy can be observed in the form of increased skin elasticity, reduction of stretch marks, strengthening of nails and hair fibers. It is a product that helps to recover the smoothness of the skin after pregnancy, providing the nutrients that during gestation have decreased and deteriorated the skin.

Hyaluronic acid and marine collagen

This is a mixture that has been widely used lately. Given the properties of hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin and those of collagen to revitalize, combining these two products benefits enormously.

Some brands produce dietary supplements with hyaluronic acid + collagen as they provide a noticeable improvement in the dermis and joints. Instead of having to buy and take two products you can do it with just one, achieving double effects at the same time.

Collagen + magnesium

Magnesium as a nutritional supplement helps eliminate fatigue and improve performance in athletes and regulates the central nervous system.

Combining the strength of magnesium + collagen is an untiring mixture to maintain good health for people of all ages. Both for young athletes and for men and women over 50. Collagen with hyaluronic acid improves mood, gives energy and creates vitality but above all it is a magnificent remedy for aging joints.


People who are allergic to fish should not take this product since it is based on marine fish. It is generally free of crustaceans and mollusks but if you are allergic to these foods it is best to take precautions. In this case, ideally, you should take porcine or bovine collagen.


Although at first it is a flavorless dietary supplement that can be mixed with both cold and hot beverages and added to any food, some brands of marine collagen may have a fishy taste which can be somewhat unpleasant for some people.

We recommend that you choose the brand carefully or opt to buy pills as this way the bad taste is avoided. It is common for some people with a very fine sense of taste to perceive a slight salty flavor when taking it with water.

Which marine collagen brands to buy?

Currently there are a few marine collagen brands that work very well. Some of them are only distributed in Spain while others can be purchased worldwide. As it is possible that you visit us from different places, below we indicate the best brands so that you can choose the best one for you.

Collmar and Drasanvi

The size of their molecules is very small, something that facilitates its assimilation. The hydrolyzed marine collagen Collmar is a product derived from fish, suitable for relieving joint discomfort and bone pain.
Collmar is a collagen brand from Drasanvi with a lot of experience and presents its product along with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. A perfect mixture to protect the joints and promote the recovery of injuries and everything related to cartilage.

Collmar Beauty

With another formulation to stimulate the formation of new skin and improve skin elasticity, Collmar Beauty marine collagen contains Type I collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, evening primrose oil and borage oil, everything necessary for total regeneration, enhancing absorption and increasing the natural synthesis of collagen.

A daily collagen dose of 10 grams must be taken.

Add it to a liquid, water, tea, juice or the beverage you like best. Stir and drink.

You can choose between both collagens but if you are looking to repair the skin you should opt for the latter that we have indicated.

Vital Plus

It is another well-known brand, working for the same cases as the previously mentioned hydrolyzed collagen. Vital Plus is sold in powder, in medium-sized jars so that you can easily add your daily dose to your favorite drinks or simply mix it with water. Much better than for example Green sun.

Prisma Natural

It is a much more complete preparation than the previous ones as it contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed marine collagen.

It is sold in sachets and packages with 180 tablets so that you can take Prisma Natural marine collagen as you like.

The difference with Collmar collagen is that it contains more nutrients, among which vitamins, polyphenols and marine collagen + organic silicon and Omega fatty acids stand out.

Not all people need such a complete supply but in many cases it is just what is needed to have strong joints and beautiful skin.


The Nutriox marine collagen is another of the best-known brands for its good results.

It has the advantage of being sold in several flavors (orange, strawberry or unflavored) making it much more pleasant to take as indicated by most reviews.

Nutriox collagen is available in powder, drinkable and in sachets.


Enriched with calcium and vitamin D to improve the bone response and offer an extra supply of vitamins, Ynsadiet marine collagen can be bought loose or with a pack of three jars to get a good deal.

Each jar contains 180 tablets, making each last several weeks. If you opt for the three, you will have it for a long time.


Another of the best options if what really interests you is taking care of yourself. Peptan marine collagen is for joints, suitable for all those people who wish to relieve discomfort in knees, ankles, hands and tissues related to the body’s joints.

Peptan is a collagen brand with years of experience so its product is of very high quality.


Less known than the previous ones but even so, the reviews on Forticoll collagen are in most cases positive.

There are two versions of the product. One focused on the joints which you can get here:

The difference is that the latter includes grape antioxidants and Coenzyme Q10 to improve hair protection and growth.

Ana María Lajusticia

Widely known for its results as well as for including the necessary amount of magnesium with Ana María Lajusticia marine collagen. It is spectacular. It works very well and is available in jars of 450 tablets, a size that makes it last much longer.

The advantage is that since this collagen brand is very well known you are on the safe side when you buy it. You do not need many recommendations or reviews since everyone knows it.

However, one drawback is that you have to take many pills every day to complete the recommended daily dose (from 6 to 9) so it is something to consider before buying marine collagen.

Otherwise, it is a very interesting option and for most people more than enough.


Epaplus is a brand of dietary supplements and among all that it sells we find a very well-known version in Spain. You can buy it as Epaplus collagen and as Epaplus collagen with hyaluronic acid and magnesium. We recommend the latter as magnesium helps it to be better absorbed.


Another product that might interest you is from the Colnatur brand. It is indicated for joint problems, when your knees hurt, you feel discomfort in your hands and, in general, for everything related to worn cartilage and the relief of symptoms.

You can see everything, even the price at Colnatur Collagen.


Genacol is another of many people’s favorite brands. It has several lines of supplements but the one that interests us here is the one that only contains collagen. Take a look at the Genacol collagen and so you have another option. Then, if you feel like it, let us know how it went.


Much more similar to the Prisma Natural brand in its composition, this product contains magnesium, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen.

Check all its ingredients and usage instructions at Pinisan Collagen.