Hyaluronic Acid in Capsules: Benefits and Contraindications

Hyaluronic Acid Capsules works from within the body, benefiting skin health by keeping it youthful and healthy and enhancing joint function to facilitate movement as we age. Due to its moisturizing power, it is also a good antidote for dry eye syndrome.

Hyaluronic acid capsules combat skin wrinkles when their molecules come into contact with water.

Skin hydration levels decrease by 50% starting at age 40, and since this product can hold 1,000 times its weight in water, it is an excellent skin moisturizer and wrinkle corrector.

Thanks to the size the molecules take once ingested and reaching the cells, they are able to add volume to the skin to eliminate expression lines.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid Capsules

Hyaluronic acid pills 120 mg.One of the main causes of skin degeneration is the decrease in collagen. When HA levels drop, which happens over time, collagen loses hydration and becomes a less elastic, brittle, and weak tissue. When this occurs and no remedy is applied, daily gestures cause the collagen fibers to crack and break.

Hyaluronic Acid Capsules are the Solution

hyaluronic acid capsulesIf we look at Bill Sardi’s book, “How to Live 100 Years Without Aging” (not yet available in Spanish), the author explains how this natural molecule halts facial aging and eliminates fine wrinkles.

A primary cause of the degeneration of the skin’s collagen network is the decrease in hydrated hyaluronic acid levels, which supports the collagen network. Its restoration causes the skin cells to be filled by the effect of moisture, and all body tissues improve in health. Additionally, other authors describe how its use for rheumatic diseases improves outcomes and even allows frictionless movement in joints inflamed by chronic and progressive wear.

Over time, whether it is synovial fluid in the joints or in the skin, hyaluronic acid capsules can help restore average levels of this substance at the cellular level. For instance, in some cases it benefits the eyes by generating more moisture in the eyeball.


Side effects of hyaluronic acid capsules are very rare; however, if it is your first time taking them, it should be done with caution. It is advisable to use at most one tablet. Allergy cases are very rare, although some people may experience redness, irritation, or stiffness in subcutaneous treatments with injectables. You can read extensive information on side effects and contraindications.


The supplement contains sodium hyaluronate, which is the active ingredient in hyaluronic acid. In this state, the particles are somewhat smaller, giving it a greater penetration power. Due to its high viscosity-elastic consistency, this product is ideal for treating joint inflammation problems. Just like in creams and tablets, the capsule form is also used as an anti-aging treatment either topically or by ingesting the product.

Hyaluronic acid capsules are free from animal traces, dairy, gluten, colorants, and preservatives. However, it is always important to read the leaflet and label to check the dosage and recommendations of the manufacturer.

Where to Buy Hyaluronic Acid Capsules?

An ideal supplement for enhancing joint health. It provides everything necessary for cartilage in the joints, promoting less wear and increased resistance in knees, elbows, hips, and all joints of the human body.

It also promotes greater skin elasticity, slowing down the appearance of facial wrinkles and preventing sagging of facial tissues.

To achieve good results, it is necessary to take hyaluronic acid x 2 capsules per day or as indicated in the product you have chosen.

The benefits include better regeneration of facial and body skin and reinforcement for joints, bones, and the muscular system.

Stop aging instantly with hyaluronic acid capsules.

96 Responses

  1. lorenia says:

    I have high blood pressure. Can I take hyaluronic acid pills?

    • faby says:

      Lorenia, I read in another article that it’s contraindicated for people with high blood pressure. But make sure to check it thoroughly! I hope my comment helps, good luck!

      • Marta Lerinde says:

        Thank you for your input, Faby. But it’s very rare that they interact, except in some cases where a component may cause allergies. In any case, people with any prior symptoms should consult with their specialist before taking hyaluronic acid capsules. This is true for other supplements as well.

  2. Marta Lerinde says:

    Hello Lorenia,

    In principle, it shouldn’t affect you. However, if you can, ask your doctor to make sure there’s no other issue related to hypertension.

  3. maria elena says:

    Is hyaluronic acid helpful for the oral mucosa?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Maria,

      In theory, yes. There is some gingival gel that can be used as a rinse and boosts its renewal, as there is a large amount of hyaluronic acid in the mouth. But if you’re referring to oral mucosal pathology, it’s better for a specialist to recommend it so they can assess the situation with follow-up.

  4. fernanda de gollado says:

    Hello, I live in the DF, where can I buy these capsules?
    I asked at reputable pharmacies, and they don’t carry them.
    Thank you.

  5. fernanda de gollado says:

    In Mexico City.
    Thank you.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Fernanda,

      Right now, I don’t have any reference for hyaluronic acid capsules in Mexico City, but if I find out something, I’ll let you know.

  6. Seula says:

    Hello, I have facial paralysis on half of my face because a virus damaged the facial nerve. Can hyaluronic acid help repair the nerve tissue?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Seula,

      If the nerve is damaged, it won’t make it move again. Taking pills can help rebuild soft tissues and cartilage, but when it comes to facial nerves, other types of therapies would be needed.

  7. ciro says:

    I have a question, does hyaluronic acid lighten the skin?

  8. ciro says:

    And does it make it firmer?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      In principle, not really. It helps in the process of creating and repairing new tissues, but for brightening the skin, look into glycolic acid and similar products, or take a look at the topic of peeling. There’s an article on this topic on the blog.

      In terms of skin firmness, since it provides hydration and improves collagen production over time, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. If you’re looking for something with a quick action on the skin, it’s better to use creams and cosmetics that contain it. Hyaluronic acid capsules help from within but take more time. It’s more general in action and not as specific.

  9. javier lopez says:

    Hello, nice to meet you. I have a question: do hyaluronic acid capsules eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, or does it necessarily have to be injected?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Javier, hyaluronic acid capsules have more general benefits. Injected is the most effective, although some creams can work well. It depends on the depth of the wrinkles, your age… It can help, but for such a localized effect, it’s better to use an anti-wrinkle cream for the eye area with hyaluronic acid. If you’re not using it, it’s better to start there.

      If you’re already doing that and the wrinkles are very deep, then the skin needs to be stretched in some way, and a good option, as you mentioned, is injectables. Since I don’t know your specific case, I’m saying this generally in case it helps you too. The first step would be to use a moisturizing and anti-wrinkle cream. Then, move on to using some hyaluronic acid supplement, whether in capsules, powder, or whichever you prefer, and as a last option, injectables and fillers.

      Taking a supplement will delay the appearance of new wrinkles, but once they are present, other methods are needed to eliminate them.

  10. dory says:

    Where does hyaluronic acid come from: plant, fruit, or is it exactly chemical?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hyaluronic acid is obtained from animal sources that contain cartilage and soft tissues, which are very rich, generally also in collagen. Some of these include joints and other softer appendages like combs of roosters. Areas with cartilage tend to have a high proportion of hyaluronic acid (mucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycans rich in chondroitin sulfate), which are great for joint regeneration and skin repair.

      It can also be obtained from plant sources, through fermentation carried out by the microorganisms that inhabit them, although the most commonly used hyaluronic acid is extracted from animal parts. Hyaluronic acid in capsules has the same origin.

  11. marta Andre says:

    Hello, I would like to know if hyaluronic acid has contraindications for digestive functions. Thank you! Best regards.

  12. Marta Lerinde says:

    It shouldn’t affect digestion or intestinal transit. Hyaluronic acid capsules for digestive functions have no contraindications. It’s important to drink plenty of water, and if you have any type of stomach or other health condition, consult with the specialist handling your case, as they know the medication you’re taking, although interactions are rare.

  13. Nel Brasil says:

    Good evening, can you tell me if hyaluronic acid in supplement form can promote fluid retention? I’ve started taking collagen with hyaluronic acid, and I feel more bloated, so that’s why I’m asking. Thank you and best regards.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Nel, in principle, it shouldn’t cause fluid retention, although it can lead to increased skin hydration, but that happens gradually and doesn’t cause bloating. Observe it for a few days because it could be due to something else or that it doesn’t agree with you, although that’s rare.

      You could also try stopping it for a few days. If you see that you return to normal, try it again, paying attention to how you feel from the day you start taking the hyaluronic acid capsules with collagen. This way, you can track if it’s causing you to retain more fluid. But normally, it shouldn’t produce those effects.

  14. Gabriela cortés says:

    What is the name of the capsules so I can look for them?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      There are different brands if that’s what you’re referring to. From 30 tablets to 60, 120, etc., but there are quite a few. If you have trouble finding them, let me know, and I can recommend a specific one.

  15. Nubia says:

    I’m 69 years old and very well-preserved. I’m taking Livial and suffer from anxiety and tachycardia. Can I take hyaluronic acid for osteoarthritis? Is it true that it contains ginger and turmeric? Thank you very much.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      The leaflet does not indicate any interactions or contraindications with hyaluronic acid, and it also has no adverse effects on anxiety or heart rhythm. It could work well for osteoarthritis, just like collagen.

      As for your other question about the ingredients, it does not contain ginger and turmeric unless it’s a specific product that includes them. Normally, no, but it’s possible to find a product that contains all three substances. I don’t rule it out, but if it’s the case, it will be indicated. If you don’t see it listed on the label, it’s not included.

  16. Patricia says:

    I live in Peru and use a facial cream with this acid. But I’ve been told it’s good for arthritis and fibromyalgia. Where can I buy it and what dosage should I use? Thank you.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      It helps with joint diseases and everything related to cartilage. You can buy these along with collagen and hyaluronic acid. I mention this in case it’s easier for you to find them. Look for stores with parapharmaceutical products, as well as health care stores like herbal shops.

  17. Marcela says:

    Hello, I have fluid retention and was prescribed diuretics. Can I still take the pills?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Marcela, there’s no problem, as it doesn’t interfere with fluid retention. Retention is usually due to the lymphatic system, some obstruction in the return of fluids in the human body. Unless you’ve just started taking it and also started experiencing symptoms, it shouldn’t affect you. Still, if you have doubts, you can stop taking it for a few weeks and then resume. This way, you can check if it really affects your situation. And if possible, discuss it with the person who prescribed the diuretics.

  18. bertha says:

    Hello, I’m 33 years old, and I have bags under my eyes. Will this help?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hyaluronic acid in capsules or used in creams can help with hydration, prevent wrinkles, and dryness of the skin. For eye bags, it has no reducing effects. These are accumulations of fat, and you need specific cosmetics. A cream with phosphatidylcholine may work for you, which you can use at home, or a mesotherapy treatment at a clinic. This depends on their size. If they’re small, a cream might help, although they generally tend to grow over the years. When they’re large, you should consult a specialist for subdermal injections or surgery. This is the most effective method and really makes a big difference.

  19. Isabel Cristina says:

    Where can I find hyaluronic acid capsules in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico? In which pharmacies, laboratories, malls, or supermarkets? I appreciate your attention. Best regards.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Isabel, I can’t help you with physical stores. Sorry. The easiest option is to buy online since there are stores that ship to different places, and you can find one in Mexico. But I understand if you prefer to go directly. Generally, you can find it in herb shops, dietary and nutrition stores, or parapharmacies…

  20. norma says:

    Hello, I’ve started taking collagen with hyaluronic acid capsules, but I also take 500 mg of Vitamin C and 15 mg of zinc. Does this contradict anything? Could it harm me? Thank you.

  21. norma says:

    I hope you reply so I can be at ease. Thank you

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      You can take it continuously without any issues. Zinc and Vitamin C complement hyaluronic acid and collagen very well in capsules.

      • lily says:

        Hello, I’m an 18-year-old girl with a bit of acne. I take collagen with hyaluronic acid capsules because I’m afraid of wrinkles and marks. Could this cause more acne at my age?

  22. david says:

    Hello Marta, I see that you know quite a bit about hyaluronic acid, and I’ve read some comments, but so far, there’s no comment about how long I can take hyaluronic acid. That is, I see 100 mg capsules. Can I take them continuously for life, or should I take breaks, like for example, take them for 4 months, take a 1-month break, and then repeat the cycle for life? I have joint pain, and for quality of life, I need something to relieve the pain.

  23. david says:

    Or how do you recommend it, or is it not something that can be taken for life? Please help me, I need advice for my joint pain and I want to take hyaluronic acid.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello David, you can take it as long as you want. There’s no problem. People with chronic conditions can take hyaluronic acid capsules for as long as they wish. In your case, if it’s working for you, there’s no need to take breaks.

      People who take it for temporary or transient discomfort can use it temporarily, just as those looking for aesthetic results do.

      Additionally, if you have joint pain, it might be better to take collagen and hyaluronic acid capsules or buy a powdered supplement.

  24. Tere says:

    I would like to know if it’s okay to take hyaluronic acid and turmeric together… Thank you for your help.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Tere, no problem. They are totally compatible.

  25. Laura says:

    Does hyaluronic acid make you gain weight?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      It shouldn’t affect your weight, it doesn’t cause weight gain.

  26. Olivia says:

    Hello Tere. How many mg of hyaluronic acid powder should I take per day and for how long?
    Thank you.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      You can take between 1 and 2 capsules or 200 mg per day.

  27. anceñ says:

    Hello, after my pregnancy, I have white stretch marks where my skin broke. Can taking capsules or using the liquid oil as cream help regenerate the skin on my abdomen?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      For stretch marks, fractional laser works well. Some people also have good results with carboxytherapy. As for a treatment you can do at home to reduce stretch marks, you can use rosehip oil, applying it daily. Although it’s a slow process, over time, you’ll notice it reduces them, but you always need to consider how they were in the beginning.

      Hyaluronic acid pills help improve hydration and collagen formation, which, along with the other methods mentioned, helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks by keeping the skin more hydrated. Also, with more elasticity and plasticity, it will improve regeneration, but on its own, it’s not an effective method. You need to use hyaluronic acid capsules or cream along with another treatment. It adds to the effects, but if you have to choose between one or the other, try rosehip oil or a clinical treatment.

  28. carmen says:

    Could you tell me if the Glucosamine with Chondroitin pills contain hyaluronic acid?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Carmen, they are different substances, but it’s possible that the pills you bought contain it. All the molecules you mention are used for joints and have chondroprotective effects on cartilage, so it’s possible to find hyaluronic acid pills with glucosamine and chondroitin. But you need to check the specific product.

  29. romari says:

    Hello, good afternoon, can I take hyaluronic acid if I am taking gotu kola? Thank you.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      No problem.

  30. yeny says:

    Hello, can you tell me which hyaluronic acid I can buy? I’m confused because there are so many on the market, and I would like to buy the best.

  31. Lidia says:

    Hello Marta, I’m Lidia. How can I take the hyaluronic acid capsules with collagen powder? And I would like to know if they have any benefit for hair loss. Thanks for your advice.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Lidia, they can improve the appearance of your hair, especially collagen, as this part of the body is formed from this substance, but for hair loss, it is not very effective.

  32. Emma Elizabeth says:

    Hello, how many pills can be consumed during a year?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Hello Emma, if you’re referring to the number of hyaluronic acid pills, it varies for each person, but you can easily figure it out by multiplying the number of pills you take per month by 12 months.

  33. karina says:

    Hello, I’m 33 years old. I wanted to know if it’s counterproductive to be taking these pills at this age. I’ve been taking them for a month for several reasons: aesthetics for wrinkles, and for back pain and joint pain in my shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      It’s not counterproductive, Karina. What you can do is take breaks occasionally. If your joints are in bad condition, you can also try collagen or alternate between the two.

  34. Manuel Laviña says:

    Hello, I’m Manuel. I started taking hyaluronic acid in powder form for my joints. I’ve been using it for a week, and I’ve started to notice more mobility, but I’ve also noticed that my eyes are more sensitive, especially to light, and my head feels a little heavier. Let me know. Thank you and best regards.

  35. Grace says:

    Are pills or capsules effective for double chin? How long until you can notice changes?

  36. Mary says:

    Are there any issues if you take medication for hypothyroidism? I’m asking this because it might cause fluid retention, while the treatment for hypothyroidism actually helps eliminate interstitial fluids. In other words, don’t the two effects interact? Thank you.

  37. Lidia says:

    Hello, I’m 74 years old, and I started having arthritis problems in my hands. I also have mild kidney insufficiency. Can I undergo the pill treatment? Thank you.

  38. Nancy Aguilar says:

    I would like to try hyaluronic acid capsules.

  39. Sandra says:

    I’m 48 years old, undergoing oncological treatment. I tend to have fluid retention in my legs. I ask, would taking this medication, which contains sodium, contribute to worsening the fluid retention in my body? Thank you very much!

  40. Lisbet says:

    I’m 53 years old, and I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. I need to consume glucosamine for 6 months without interruption. I take Triflex Plus from GNC, and in addition, I take 2 hyaluronic acid capsules and 2 hydrolyzed collagen capsules. Am I doing well by taking these last two? Please, your response.

  41. Carmen says:

    Hello, I want to know if I can take hyaluronic acid pills. I suffer from ocular pressure, incipient glaucoma, and take Plavix every other day. Thank you very much.

  42. Daysi says:

    I’m diabetic, I’m 42, can I take hyaluronic acid capsules? Thank you.

  43. monica says:

    Hello, please, what would be the differences in results between the injectable and the pills? If it’s about suffering and the result is the same, why use injections then? Thank you!

  44. Eva Diaz says:

    Hello, do these capsules make you retain liquid or cause weight gain? Or do they make you bloated?

  45. maria says:

    Hello, is hyaluronic acid available in Argentina?

  46. silvi says:

    Hello, nice to meet you. I’m undergoing treatment for breast carcinoma. Can I take hyaluronic acid capsules? Is there any contraindication? Doctors don’t comment on these products; they just say they don’t know them, which is why I’m asking you. I’m 73 years old and have some pain in my fingers, trigger finger with pain. Thank you so much for considering my question. A hug.

  47. yamile says:

    Hello, please recommend a good brand. Thank you, greetings.

  48. Letizia says:

    What is the price of the capsules and their presentation? Can they be taken at 61 years old?

  49. Jocelyn fiascunari says:

    Hello, I’m Jocelyn, I’m 36 years old, and I would like to take them. Where can I buy them? I live in Iquique…

  50. Karina says:

    Is it effective? Since you’re going to buy hyaluronic acid for the skin, they ask for outrageous prices… I bought Antiaging Hyaluronic Antiox ADN from Sanon.

  51. Martell Suarez Maria says:

    I’d like to know if Optisana collagen capsules with hyaluronic acid, which are for consumption, can also be used to make homemade creams with aloe vera. Thank you.

  52. Vanesa says:

    I wanted to know if this has any contraindications for people with high blood pressure.

  53. Narso cho says:

    I live in Argentina, and I’ve been following this about hyaluronic acid because I have knee arthritis. I’ve read about the ones with coenzyme Q10 here. They’re for cosmetic use and also contain hydrolyzed collagen. I would like to know if they can help with my osteoarthritis problem. Greetings from Córdoba, Argentina.

  54. patricia cataldo says:

    How can I get hyaluronic acid capsules?

  55. Marlene says:

    When will I see results from taking hyaluronic acid pills?

  56. odile says:

    I live in Mexico, in the state of Veracruz. Where can I find the capsules?

  57. maria says:

    I have a relative who suffers from arthritis and was taking hyaluronic acid and collagen for his joints, but it triggers his herpes. Is it contraindicated in this condition? Is there any product that could help him?

  58. Luisa Palacios says:

    I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence, but since I started taking a product that contains 40 mg of Cartilage Blend, 5 mg of Boron, and 3.3 mg of Hyaluronic Acid, I’ve been having intestinal pain in the mornings and gas. Could this medication, Move Free, be the cause of my pain?

  59. tere says:

    Hello, I have a question: Do hyaluronic acid capsules with collagen improve vaginal dryness? I ask because Prevefem and Gynounal gel are expensive to buy every week and a half or two. I appreciate your response. Thank you.

  60. MABEL ARRIGONI says:

    I wanted to ask if hyaluronic acid pills would help relieve my arthritis pain, which is particularly bad at night. I have acromioclavicular arthritis in my shoulders. Thank you so much.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      Marine or porcine collagen will help you more to alleviate joint pain.

  61. Rosario Pérez says:

    I’m 66 years old, and although I have well-preserved skin, I’m starting to take hyaluronic acid with collagen. My question is: will my skin continue to stay preserved? Am I doing the right thing?

    It can help you, but it would also be good to use an anti-wrinkle cream, as it will reinforce the creation of natural collagen.

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      It can help you, but it would also be good to use an anti-wrinkle cream, as it will reinforce the creation of natural collagen.

  62. Consuelo says:

    Hello, I have osteoarthritis in both knees, and I’ve been taking hyaluronic acid capsules for almost a month. How long will it take to feel improvement?

    • Marta Lerinde says:

      To improve the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, I recommend taking collagen. It usually helps relieve some pain and improves mobility in a few days. It’s not a solution, but many people improve quite a bit. However, keep in mind that the condition will still be there.

  63. Hazel says:

    Hello, I’m 40 years old, and I was diagnosed with very advanced osteopenia. They recommended I take collagen, but I’m not sure which one I should take since I take Euthyrox for hypothyroidism. I bought hydrolyzed collagen capsules with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and magnesium. I take two capsules a day. Would this be contraindicated in my case? Thank you in advance!

  64. Jana says:

    Hello, I’m pregnant with twins and I take collagen with hyaluronic acid. I want to know if that’s bad for my babies. Thank you.

  65. Cristina says:

    Can I take hyaluronic acid if I have hypothyroidism?